Personal Injury Attorney Sacramento
Situated in the northern portion of California’s Central Valley, the City of Sacramento is the capital of California, covering an area of 100.105 square miles. Its growing population of at least 485,000 makes Sacramento the 35th largest city in the United States.
Basic Facts and Figures
The median resident age in Sacramento is 34.1 years, and in 2013, the estimated household income was $48,034. Approximately 112,507 residents work in Sacramento, while an additional 94,000 travel to Sacramento for work and other pursuits.
Sacramento’s economy has evolved from its gold and railroad days to a broad economy now supported by various industries such as information and technology, education and health services, leisure and hospitality, construction, and transportation.
Injuries Resulting from Accidents
The massive development of the capital, however, has its hazards of accidental injuries and deaths arising from car accidents, truck accidents, construction accidents, and other unfortunate incidents in and around the city.
Losing a loved one in an untimely accident can be devastating. While accidents can and do happen, they can be prevented by observing safety precautions and due care. When recklessness or negligence appears to have caused the death of a loved one, holding negligent persons liable for your loss is often an important step towards healing and seeking justice. Consulting an experienced and compassionate wrongful death attorney can provide some insight into your situation.
Compensation for Wrongful Death
Depending on the circumstances of the accident, your attorney may determine whether the fault or negligence of another person or party was the cause of the untimely death of a loved one. Under California personal injury law, specific heirs of a decedent may have a right of action against persons or entities who caused the death of the decedent.
For a wrongful death claim to prosper, the plaintiffs must be able to present their claim within a specified time period, provide evidence showing the cause of the death of the decedent and the responsibility of the defendants in the death of the decedent. Considering the emotional toll that the loss of a loved can have on their surviving family members, a wrongful death attorney should be able to take care of all the requirements and legal procedures in the personal injury lawsuit.
If you are based in Sacramento and need to speak to a wrongful death attorney, the dedicated lawyers at the Redkey Gordon Law Corp. are prepared to listen and provide appropriate advice in your situation. Call Redkey Gordon Law Corp today at 209-267-1685 to schedule a free consultation with one of our approachable Stockton Personal Injury attorneys.
We are located at:
Redkey Gordon Law Corp
428 J Street, 4th Floor
Sacramento, California 95219
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